Case for review of the organisation of Pembrokeshire schools to be discussed at Cabinet
Achos dros adolygu trefniadaeth ysgolion Sir Benfro i'w drafod yn y Cabinet
Pembrokeshire County Council’s Cabinet will discuss a report outlining a case for the review of the organisation of schools in the County at its first meeting post the General Election.
A report by the Director of Education will be presented by the Cabinet Member for Education and Welsh Language, Cllr Guy Woodham, at the meeting on Thursday, 11th July.
In its capacity as a Local Education Authority, Pembrokeshire County Council has a statutory duty to secure sufficient and suitable school places in its area.
The report to Cabinet provides information relevant to the planning of school places in Pembrokeshire and draws conclusions about the need to reorganise its schools in order to add or remove school places during the next 5-10 years.
Members will be asked to consider the evidence in support of reviewing school organisation in Pembrokeshire, and recommend a way forward to Full Council.
The report highlights evidence relating to population decline and the impact this has on the number of surplus places, which is particularly acute in certain schools, and in certain areas.
How the surplus places affect individual school budgets and the overall budget pressures on the Council forms part of the report.
Prior to introducing any specific proposals for reorganisation, it is recommended that consideration is given to establishing a cross-chamber, politically balance working group to examine the evidence in greater detail with a view to subsequently bringing its findings back to Full Council.