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Council catering staff volunteers (three women and a man) with soup and bread.

Come and join us at last of successful soup nights

Dewch i ymuno â ni yn y noson gawl lwyddiannus olaf

Since January more than 800 portions of soup have been served free of charge at County Hall and this week is your last chance to come along.

Pembrokeshire County Council’s pop-up soup initiative was started by volunteers and has been a great success over the past four months with Thursday, 27th April the last event.

Everyone is welcome to come to the former canteen at County Hall, Haverfordwest to celebrate the initiative and enjoy some free, nutritious and delicious soup.

Volunteers from the Council’s catering team have been supported by sponsorship from suppliers and Cost of Living funds to produce a wide range of soups, including vegetarian friendly options, as well as hot dogs and burgers for special family events in the school holidays.

Not only did Sandra Gardner, Emma Williams, Sian Davies, Karl Richards-Downes and Leanne McSparron give their time to cook the soup, they were also on hand each week to serve it, along with other Council staff and volunteers.

Cabinet member for Education and the Welsh Language Cllr Guy Woodham said: “It has been fantastic to welcome so many people – young and old – to the canteen, it has been a real example of intergenerational community.

“We’ve had toddlers in prams, families, couples on date nights, single adults, young people and octogenarians, including members of staff and the public.”

Thanks also go to the IT and facilities staff who supported connectivity and the safe use of the building.