Council tenants encouraged to attend Building Maintenance event
Annog tenantiaid cyngor i fynychu digwyddiad Cynnal a Chadw Adeiladau
A Building Maintenance Tenant Panel session will be held in Milford Haven next week for Pembrokeshire County Council tenants.
The Tenants Panel at The Third Place, Nantucket Avenue, on Wednesday 28th June, is a chance for Council tenants and Councillors to speak with Building Maintenance officers face to face.
Attendees will be able to raise any building maintenance issues with staff, check on repairs and hear about building maintenance updates.
Please note, staff may need to follow up on repair enquiries following the session but will get back in touch with customers to update them on the status of their repair as soon as possible.
The session runs from 5.00pm to 7.30pm and booking is essential as spaces are limited.
Please call the Customer Liaison Team on 01437 764551 / 07901 254009 to book your space or email