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Hwest High Minister visit

Deputy Minister hears of school’s support for equality

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A Deputy Welsh Government Minister paid a visit to Haverfordwest High VC School last week to discuss how the school promotes equality and inclusion.

Headteacher Jane Harries welcomed Hannah Blythyn MS, Deputy Minister for Social Partnership, on Thursday September 28th.

Ms Blythyn met with Cllr Guy Woodham, Cabinet Member for Education & Welsh Language, Steven Richards-Downes, Director for Education, representatives of UNISON and members of staff and pupils involved in PCC Equity and Diversity pupil forum and the school’s Rainbow Club.

Ms Blythyn had requested the visit after Dan Phillips, an LSA at the school, gave a presentation to the Joint Council of Wales where he talked about the support the school put in place for him during his gender transition.

The staff and pupils shared with Ms Blythyn the challenges in society surrounding equity for all and how the school was supporting them in dealing with these challenges.

Ms Blythyn and guests were keen to discuss how the Welsh Government and the Local Authority could help address these challenges.

Mrs Harries, said: “It was a privilege to welcome the Deputy Minister to Haverfordwest High VC School. We are extremely proud that Ms Blythyn specifically requested the visit after hearing of Mr Phillips’ positive experience.

“As a school we are committed to ensuring equity for all and it was great for pupils and staff to be able to outline the support available here at Haverfordwest High.”

Cllr Woodham added: “It was a pleasure to attend Haverfordwest High, alongside the Deputy Minister, and have the opportunity to speak with Mr Philips and members of the school’s Rainbow Club.

“Learning about equality, diversity and inclusion, especially from those with lived experiences, is important not just for our learners but for us all.

“I applaud the work undertaken in this area by Haverfordwest High and look forward to working with them in the near future, hopefully alongside others, who are also progressing this important area of activity.”