Excellent inspection for Tenby Church in Wales Primary School
Arolygiad ardderchog ar gyfer Ysgol Gynradd yr Eglwys yng Nghymru Dinbych-y-pysgod
The governors and staff at Tenby Church in Wales Primary School are delighted to have received their Estyn inspection report today, Friday 10th January, following full inspection early in November 2024. The glowing report praises the school for its care and support for pupils.
It states: “Tenby Church in Wales School is a happy, nurturing and inclusive school where a focus on values underpins its work. Leaders place a high importance on pupils’ wellbeing. Pupils are well cared for and feel safe. Pupils behave very well and there is a calm atmosphere in the school.”
The inspectors noted the high standards and strong progress that pupils of all abilities make. Support for pupils with Additional Learning Needs (ALN) gained particular praise.
“Most pupils make strong progress in their learning as they move through the school. They have positive attitudes to learning and reflect purposefully on their work to bring about improvements. The provision for pupils with ALN is a strength of the school and supports these pupils to make good progress towards their individual targets.”
Governors and staff are pleased that the leadership and effectiveness of the whole staff team has been recognised as a strength.
“The Headteacher provides strong leadership. He has built an effective staff team who share his vision. Governors are well informed about the school’s strengths and areas for development and offer suitable challenge.
“Across the school, there is a culture of improving teaching and learning. Senior leaders work effectively to promote this and to provide support and professional learning for all staff. Leaders manage change exceptionally well and this has helped the school to maintain its track record of bringing about improvement.”
There are two ‘spotlights’ for good practice identified within the school’s inspection report; one for ‘an inspiring curriculum’ (the school’s curriculum offer to children) and another for ‘managing change’ (leaders managing change to ensure quality).
The report made one recommendation to help the school continue to improve: to enhance pupil leadership and pupil voice in the strategic development of the school. The school will now produce an action plan to address this recommendation.
John Palmer, Headteacher at Tenby Primary, said: “On behalf of our school community I feel incredibly proud to have received such an excellent inspection report. It rightly highlights the hard work and successes of staff, children, parents and governors and we feel it captures our school and its vision and values perfectly.”
Mrs Anne Ponisch, Chair of Governors, said: “It is a joy to see the hard work and dedication of all who work at the school recognised and applauded in this excellent report. It reflects the very positive collaboration that exists between our local community, parents, staff, governors and children. It describes so well the happy and innovative school that we all feel privileged to love and be a part of.”
Cllr Guy Woodham, Cabinet Member for Education and Welsh language, said: “I offer my congratulations to Tenby Church in Wales Primary School for achieving this outstanding report.
“Inspection reports like this do not come about by chance, they are the result of dedication and hard work and support from the whole school community.”
The full inspection report can be found on the Estyn website by using the following link: Tenby Church In Wales Voluntary Controlled School - Estyn