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Give your views on Pembrokeshire’s Council Tax premiums for second and long-term empty homes

Dweud eich dweud ar bremiymau’r Dreth Gyngor ar ail gartrefi a chartrefi gwag hirdymor yn Sir Benfro

Pembrokeshire County Council is carrying out a consultation on council tax premiums that apply to second and long-term empty homes in Pembrokeshire.

The consultation is open until 6th August 2023 and can be completed at:

The consultation seeks your views on:

  • Current council tax premiums for second homes
  • Current council tax premiums for long-term empty homes
  • Whether the Council should use its discretion following Welsh Government’s reform to self-catering holiday accommodation thresholds

The consultation provides context and background information on the current council tax premiums and housing in Pembrokeshire.

It also provides the definitions of second homes, long-term empty homes, exceptions and holiday lettings.

“We urge as many people as possible to give us their opinions on this very important consultation,” said Cllr Alec Cormack, Cabinet Member for Corporate Finance.

“Their responses will form an essential part of the Council’s review into council tax premiums.”

Since In 2019, the Council introduced a premium for properties unoccupied and unfurnished since 1st April 2016 (the premiums vary from 25% to 100% according to how long the properties have been empty for). 

Welsh Government recently introduced new legislation which increases the maximum premium that can be charged for second and long-term empty homes from 100% to 300%.

The legislation, which allows Councils across Wales to charge these premiums, is intended to: 

  • bring long-term empty homes back into use to provide safe, secure and affordable homes
  • increase the supply of affordable housing and enhance the sustainability of local communities

At its March 2023 meeting, Pembrokeshire County Council decided that the income generated from the Council Tax Premium for Second Homes be allocated for 2023-24 as follows:

  • (i) 75% to fund elements of the Council’s budget relating to affordable housing and enhancing the sustainability of local communities
  • (ii) 75% (of the remaining 25%) for the Affordable Housing programme
  • (iii) 25% (of the remaining 25%) for the Enhancing Pembrokeshire Grant scheme which funds projects that address the negative impacts of long-term empty properties and second homes

How to take part in the consultation:

  • If you do not have access to the internet and would like to respond please call the Customer Contact Centre on 01437 764551 and a hard copy response form can be sent to you.

The closing date for completed responses is 06 August 2023.