Lighting up to support Purple Tuesday
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County Hall will be lit in purple tomorrow (Tuesday 7th November) in support of Purple Tuesday – a day dedicated to improving the customer experience for disabled people and their families.
Purple Tuesday – which is celebrated annually - aims to make organisations aware of the numerous commercial and social opportunities available to them once they become more disability inclusive.
The day also promotes the Purple Pound, which refers to the spending power of disabled people and their families. In the UK alone it was most recently estimated to be worth a staggering £274 billion and is said to be rising by 14% per year.
Pembrokeshire County Council employs two Access Officers who act as the point of contact and provide advice in respect of all enquiries relating to disability matters including disabled parking, dropped kerbs, access to public facilities and buildings, the Equality Act, planning or building control applications and specialist equipment such as fire evacuation chairs hoists.
The Council also has a Supported Employment Programme that employs more than 75 people with a disability or work limiting health condition.
These local authority based enterprises offer paid supported employment, work experience, training and work-based day opportunities each week. The programme also works with local employers to create opportunities for people and to support their existing employees with disabilities.
Some other examples of inclusion work at PCC include:
Quiet hours at leisure centres.
Plans for Changing Places Toilets (CPTs) in the Haverfordwest Transport Interchange, Western Quayside and South Quay.
Adopting the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower lanyard scheme. Lanyards are currently available in all leisure centres and libraries.
Training on hidden disabilities, mental health awareness training and equality.
Access audits of PCC buildings.
Pembrokeshire County Council is a Disability Confident Leader, which shows the organisation’s commitment to recruiting and retaining disabled members of staff.
To find out more about Purple Tuesday, search for #PurpleTuesday on social media or visit the website.
To contact the Access Officers, call 01437 764551 or email accessofficer@pembrokeshire.go.uk. More details on the Supported Employment Programme is available on the Council's website.
Notes to editors
Notes for editors:
In the UK, one in five people have a disability (around 14.1 million). 80% of these people have a hidden disability.
53% of households in the UK have a connection to someone with a disability.
Four million consumers have reported that they have at least three impairments.
A disabled person’s living costs are 25% higher than that of a non-disabled person.
Disabled people spend an average £550 a month on costs directly associated with their disability.
Disability increases the likelihood of disadvantage in social activities, income, housing and employment.
Disabled people in the UK are almost twice as likely to be unemployed as non-disabled people. However, more than 4.4 million disabled people are in work.
Only 5 to 6% of people with a learning disability and or autism known to Local Authorities in the UK are in employment.