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New day opportunities offer agreed by Cabinet

Cynnig cyfleoedd dydd newydd wedi’i gytuno gan y Cabinet

Ongoing support for people who attend the Anchorage, Bro Preseli and Lee Davies Day Centres and their families remains the highest priority as day opportunities reconfiguration confirmed.

Meeting on Thursday, and following a call-in that was discussed at the Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Cabinet Members re-iterated their backing for a reconfiguration of day opportunity provision, as well as a commitment to the Local Authority working in partnership to promote social enterprises.

There was a strong emphasis that nobody who attends Anchorage, Bro Preseli or Lee Davies Day Centres would be left without provision, with personalised support in place to to ensure a smooth transition to alternative day opportunties.

Consultation in 2019 with service users, stakeholders and partners had looked to develop a new model for Day Opportunities in Pembrokeshire and since Covid there has been a substantial fall in the number of people attending Day Centres.

A more sustainable means of supporting day opportunities for older people and people with disabilities were set out in the Council’s 24/25 budget setting process.

The Council will be exiting service level agreements with the Bro Preseli Day Centre in Crymych and the Lee Davies Day Centre in Narberth and as one of many alternatives, will be working in partnership to promote social enterprise alternatives. Work is now underway to establish a suitable pilot which will see further strengthening of links between PCC and the Third Sector.

The reconfiguration of Day Opportunities will result in the closure of the Anchorage building in Pembroke Dock. A range of alternative community options are available, including the Meadow Park Day Centre.

Members backed the recommendation to close the Anchorage Day Centre with effect from 1st November 2024 and establish social enterprise models in Bro Preseli and Lee Davies Day Centres from 1st April 2025.

Cllr Tessa Hodgson, Cabinet Member for Social Care and Safeguarding, said: “In Pembrokeshire, we want older people and people with disabilities to live a life well lived, with things to do that provide purpose, connection and where appropriate, progression.

“The recent overview and scrutiny committee gave the opportunity to further explain our direction of travel, as we strive to shape a choice of different day opportunities in the context of significant financial pressures. We have and will continue to balance the needs of people attending day centres and their families with the requirement for change, and we will continue to support all affected as we go through this process.

“We have worked hard to identify alternative and suitable provision for all service users and am pleased that despite financial pressures, we are able to maintain a direct bus service from the Anchorage premises to Meadowpark.

“I wish to emphasise that no-one will be left without provision following the decision here today and we will continue to work closely with everyone to ensure positive outcomes for all.”