New way to easily report suspected breaches of planning
Ffordd newydd i roi gwybod yn hawdd am achosion tybiedig o dorri rheolau cynllunio
Members of the public are now able to report suspected planning breaches to Pembrokeshire County Council through a simple online form.
The form what if someone has carried out development without planning permission? enables important information to be reported directly to the Authority’s Planning Enforcement Team.
This ensures Council officers have the relevant information they need to investigate potential planning breaches.
The Planning Enforcement Team has also received added capacity to tackle cases already in the system and enable further cases to be investigated.
Councillor Jon Harvey, Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Delivery said: “I am pleased that this form is now available online, allowing members of the public to quickly and easily provide information to Council Officers about potential breaches of planning.
“We hope this will allow those concerned about a potential breach a simple way to provide all the relevant information officers will need to begin looking into the matter.
“Submitting information via the online form will greatly assist Planning Enforcement Officers in obtaining relevant information to allow them to conduct their initial investigations, thereby helping to speed up the process.
“Planning is an extremely important function of the Council, particularly in an area of beauty such as Pembrokeshire, and it is right that the Planning Enforcement Team has the tools it requires to investigate potential breaches effectively.”
Suspected breaches of planning in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park should be reported to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority.