Parking scheme to help disabled people maintain their independence reopens
Cynllun Parcio i helpu Pobl Anabl i gynnal eu hannibyniaeth yn ailagor
A scheme to help disabled people access a parking space near their property if they don’t have a useable driveway or garage is accepting new applications.
Following a successful first year of operation, Pembrokeshire County Council has reopened applications for Disabled Resident Parking Bays (previously known as Disabled Persons Parking Places or DPPPs).
The application form for Disabled Resident Parking Bays is now online and all applications must be submitted by 5pm on Friday 5th April 2024.
Previous applicants do not need to apply unless there has been a change in their circumstances. A paper form is available on request.
Ten bays were available during the first year, and a further ten bays will be available in 2024. The application process will take a minimum of six months from application to completion for successful applicants.
A permit will cost successful applicants £20 per year, and new successful applicants will pay once works on site have been completed.
One successful applicant in 2023 described the scheme as “life-changing” and said: “Being able to park when we get home has alleviated some of the stress of going out. We can’t thank those who have made this happen enough. It’s absolutely fantastic to have this space.”
Jessica Hatchett, one of the two Access Officers for Pembrokeshire County Council and the officer who is overseeing the scheme, said: “I am pleased that the scheme is returning for a second year. It is great to hear from last year’s successful applicants how much having access to a bay has helped them.”
In order to help those most in need of the provision of a bay, applications will only be considered if the following all apply:
- The applicant has a Blue Badge that is valid for three years from the date of issue
- The applicant drives/is driven in a vehicle that is owned and registered at the address of the proposed location of the disabled bay
- The applicant does not already have access to a useable garage or driveway.
- The applicant does not already have access to off-street parking or be able to provide an off-street parking space by clearing an existing drive/hard standing.
Meeting the above criteria does not guarantee that a bay will be provided; only that the application will be assessed for suitability.
Applicants should be also be aware that due to volume of applications expected, priority will be given to those on enhanced/higher rates of benefits, rather than standard, middle or lower rates.
Applicants will be able to upload evidence with their online application form, but nobody should provide original documents or any additional evidence unless asked to do so.
The Council will not consider provision of a Disabled Resident Parking Bay in the following locations:
- In the turning head facility of any cul-de-sac.
- In any location where an existing prohibition or restriction of parking (inclusive of permit parking), of waiting or loading is in place or is being considered by the Council.
- Within 10 metres of a road junction.
- At locations where there is a history of visibility related collisions.
- In a position that may prevent the passing of normal traffic flows.
- In a position where a parked vehicle will be unsighted to travelling vehicles such as on a bend.
- On un-adopted highway or private land.
- In any other areas where highway safety is deemed to be compromised.
The application form for a Disabled Resident Parking Bay is live on Pembrokeshire County Council’s website here: https://www.pembrokeshire.gov.uk/parking-in-pembrokeshire/disabled-persons-parking-places.
Applicants may also phone Pembrokeshire County Council on 01437 764551 and request a paper copy of the application form.
Applications will close at 5pm on Friday 5th April.