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Be bright, be seen at Saundersfoot School

Pembrokeshire’s junior road safety officers spell out essential message this winter

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Be bright, be seen – that’s the message from Pembrokeshire’s new junior road safety officers (JRSOs) to their schoolmates across the county.

With dark, wintry weather upon us, the JRSOs are urging other pupils to wear something bright when outside, to make sure they can be seen by other road users.

Their campaign is part of a scheme launched this term by Pembrokeshire County Council to boost road safety awareness among primary age children.

Supported by South Hook LNG, the scheme currently runs in ten schools, and it’s hoped more schools will join next year.

“We’re delighted with the enthusiasm and the hard work of the Junior Road Safety Officers,” said Cllr Rhys Sinnett, Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services.

“Each term they will choose a different topic to highlight – and this term’s message about being bright outdoors is certainly a very important one.

“We’re also very grateful to South Hook LNG for backing such an important initiative.”

One of the ten schools running the JRSO scheme is Saundersfoot CP School, where the JRSOs have held a special assembly and co-organised a Stride to School to highlight their ‘be bright, be seen’ safety message.

Local county councillor Chris Williams accompanied the walk, together with Road Safety mascot Ziggy the Zebra and Saundersfoot New Year’s Day Swim mascot Charlie Shivers.

Cllr Williams praised the work being done by the pupils to promote their safety message, and said he was delighted to take part.

He added: “I’m pleased with all the work that is being done in our community with the active travel links which will vastly improve accessibility for all in Saundersfoot,” he said.

“All schools face challenges outside their gates with parking issues and it’s great to see the children engaging and highlighting the walk to school scheme."

  • Other schools due to hold ‘be bright’ initiatives this term include Golden Grove Community School, Lamphey Primary School and Cleddau Reach VC School.



1. Pictured are Saundersfoot CP School pupils on the Stride to School wearing their slapbands, sponsored by South Hook LNG. Also pictured are local county councillor Chris Williams, Ziggy the Zebra, and Charlie Shivers.

2. Saundersfoot CP School pupils are pictured on the Stride to School wearing their slapbands, sponsored by South Hook LNG, with school crossing patrol officer Sylvia Price and Helen Luff from the Council’s road safety team.