Plan to brighten up town centres heads to Haverfordwest
Cynllun i fywiogi canol trefi ar y ffordd i Hwlffordd
The recently launched Streetscape Paint Scheme is being extended from Milford Haven to Haverfordwest town centre.
Property owners in Charles Street, Milford Haven, have been able to apply for grants to paint the exterior of their properties and this will now be widened to include Quay Street, Bridge Street and High Street in Haverfordwest.
The scheme is funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) and is part of the Council’s Street Enhancement Programme.
Grants will provide 80 per cent of the total capital expenditure on one property
Local Member Cllr Thomas Tudor said: “As the County Councillor for the Castle Ward, I welcome this initiative offered by Pembrokeshire County Council which will support owners of eligible properties and tenants to inject an upgrade to their properties and create that special feel good factor to the County Town.
“With the maximum grant award per property set at £4,999, and for the scheme to be completed by November 2024, I strongly urge people to apply as soon as possible for this excellent opportunity.”
Cllr Paul Miller, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Place, the Region and Climate Change, said the scheme is part of the Council’s ongoing commitment to regeneration in Pembrokeshire.
“This scheme aims to help town centres to thrive by improving the overall look of the surrounding area - in order to boost footfall, support businesses to create new jobs, and strengthen the mix of businesses.
‘We want to support our town centres in every way we can and this is just another example of support we’re making available,” he said.
The fund will support owners of eligible properties and tenants/leaseholders who have the written consent of the property owner. Grants can be used for the purchase of materials (primer, masonry undercoat and exterior masonry paint) or towards the cost of using a contractor.
The maximum grant award per property is £4,999. Schemes must be completed by November 2024.
For full information on the Streetscape Paint Scheme, including details on grant eligibility and a link to apply for the scheme, please