Public encouraged to get involved with Council Scrutiny process
Annog y cyhoedd i ymwneud â phroses Craffu'r Cyngor
Do you have a question or suggestion that you think needs a closer look? The overview and scrutiny system is an opportunity to get involved with the work of the Council.
Pembrokeshire County Council’s decision makers – the Cabinet – are held to account by five overview and scrutiny committees made up of cross-party councillors and in some cases members of the public.
There is a Corporate, Services, Policy and Pre-decision, Social Care and Schools and Learning Overview and Scrutiny, each with individual roles and remits.
These committees - that meet throughout the municipal year - generate their own forward work programme that reviews, investigates and challenges decisions, as well as contributing to policy development and monitoring performance.
But it’s not just members and officers who have a say on what needs a closer look, you can too!
Questions and suggestions for discussion – in Welsh or English - on matters relating to the Council and impacts on the wider community are not just welcome but encouraged, you could even make a request to speak at a meeting if you wished.
An update on what is due for consideration is published online around a month before a meeting and more detailed agendas are published the week prior, with questions accepted up until the day before (although more notice is appreciated).
The next Scrutiny meeting is Social Care on March 16 with potential items for discussion including working with the third sector and the Strategy for Keeping Families Together, along with Safeguarding, a reoccurring item on the committee’s agenda.
Even if you’re not sure which overview and scrutiny committee is best suited to answer a query, the Democratic Services team will direct it to the correct chair and there is a wide range of information on the Scrutiny webpages if you want to find out more.
Member Champion and Cabinet member for Education and the Welsh Language, Cllr Guy Woodham, said: “Most of us are affected by Council services and provision in one way or another so it is important that everyone has an opportunity to be heard.
“Getting involved with the Overview and Scrutiny process is an important way for residents to be involved in the work of the Council and if there is a topic you feel strongly about or have a particular interest in we are always keen to hear from you.”
Forms are available to raise any matters for a committee’s attention, along with protocols for public speaking, or you can contact the team via Democraticservices@pembrokeshire.gov.uk or by letter Democratic Services, Pembrokeshire County Council, County Hall, Haverfordwest, SA611TP.
All Council meetings are webcast and can be viewed live or in the archive, with remote attendance also an option.