Return your postal vote and make your voice count
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Postal votes for the upcoming Police and Crime Commissioner election can be returned as soon as received.
Those registered should have received their postal vote information and now is the time to fill it in and pop it back in the post.
You must complete the postal voting statement and your ballot paper for your vote to be counted.
Your postal vote pack includes full instructions on how to complete the form and voting ballot.
There will be two envelopes - complete the postal voting statement and include your ballot paper in envelope A before placing that in envelope B, ensuring the freepost return address is visible.
This helpful YouTube video shows how to complete the postal vote documents.
If you need help with your postal vote form you can also call 01437 775844
There are some changes to postal vote submission and you will need to complete a form with our staff if you decide to hand your postal vote in to a polling station or County Hall reception.