Success of People PWR pilot supporting families celebrated
Dathlu llwyddiant y cynllun peilot People PWR wrth gefnogi teuluoedd
Pembrokeshire County Council and Citizens Advice Pembrokeshire (CAP) are celebrating the success of their welfare rights focused project People PWR (Pembrokeshire Welfare Rights).
People PWR launched in 2023 and is a pilot project that takes a holistic approach to supporting families affected by or at risk of poverty and the associated effects.
Inspired by the success of Maximise! in Scotland, the People PWR team focus on engaging with families who have school age children, with a clear aim of creating greater financial stability for households, addressing inequalities and improving financial capability.
Whilst families can self-refer into the project, schools are the main referral route, and the close working links developed between CAP and Pembrokeshire Schools has been key to the success of this project.
Once a referral is accepted they conduct in essence a financial MOT, focusing on welfare rights and income maximisation, ensuring that clients are claiming all that they are entitled to whilst at the same time helping families to identify and address the underlying issues contributing to hardship.
In 2023, 259 families benefitted from the support of People PWR and the team have realised financial gains for local families of £118, 347 in unclaimed benefits. The average amount gained for each family was £2,878.
However, it’s about more than just the money, there is also a lasting legacy for families whereby they have a better understanding, improved confidence and often a feeling of empowerment that can help them achieve a more positive financial future.
James White, Head of Engagement and Communities, said: “I am very pleased with what People PWR has already achieved in its first year.
“More and more clients are being helped as word about the service has spread, and almost £120,000 has been put into the pockets of Pembrokeshire residents, most of which will be spent locally.
“For some clients this service has been life-changing. I look forward to seeing the project continue to grow and further expand its reach in the year ahead.”
Geraldine Murphy, CEO of Citizens Advice Pembrokeshire, said: “In this first year of the project, our team of three advisers are going from strength to strength.
“They’re enthusiastic about helping parents to find solutions to their financial problems. They have forged strong links with schools and community organisations and headteachers and engagement officers tell us they have already seen the benefit of our service to their parents and children. Together we are building an effective and joined-up approach to helping families.”
If you are a family with a school age child in Pembrokeshire and think that you could benefit from connecting with the People PWR team, please visit the Pembrokeshire CAB website for more project information or email Pwr@pembscab.org to contact the team directly to request support.
Pictured are Nerys Evans, Sarah Smith and Meredith Fletcher from the People PWR team.