Tackling Poverty Summit focuses on improving outcomes in Pembrokeshire
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Representatives of a range of groups and organisations across the County gathered to discuss tackling poverty in Pembrokeshire at a special summit this month.
The aim was to shine a light on some key issues related to poverty, particularly in Pembrokeshire and the collective response to support some of the most vulnerable members of our communities
Pembrokeshire County Council’s inaugural Tackling Poverty Summit welcomed senior leaders in Pembrokeshire, along with speakers from national bodies including The Bevan Foundation and National Energy Action (NEA), to Pembrokeshire College.
Head of Policy Dr Steffan Evans was invited to speak about how The Bevan Foundation is working to end poverty in Wales and Pembrokeshire County Council’s Head of Childrens Services Darren Mutter outlined the strategy locally.
There was an important focus on poverty as a public health issue, as well as the lived experience in Pembrokeshire, which was presented through research jointly commissioned by Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services (PAVS) and PCC.
Mr Mutter said: “The work of the tackling poverty group is pivotal in trying to turn the tide of poverty in Pembrokeshire, but it is the collective effort across all organisations within Pembrokeshire that will really make a difference. This inaugural event marked the beginning of what will hopefully be a growing awareness of and a multi-agency response to poverty in the county.”
At the Milford Haven Port Authority sponsored event there were a selection of information stands showcasing local work and services working towards tackling poverty including FRAME, Action for Children and Age Cymru and Pembrokeshire College learners sold soup to raise funds for a local food bank.
Cllr Prior, Cabinet Member for Corporate Improvement and Communities said: “This was an important opportunity to bring public services together from across the county to collectively examine and contribute to tackling poverty and its root causes.”
“We are very grateful to those who volunteered to share their lived experience with us for this narrative-based research, which has been used as the basis for a co-produced plan for tackling poverty in Pembrokeshire. We look forward to continuing to work with individuals and voluntary groups to find solutions and provide help for families experiencing financial hardship,” said Sue Leonard, Chief Officer of PAVS.