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AS Mark Drakeford and AS Adam Price at County Hall

Wales’ First Minister and Plaid Cymru Leader visit Pembrokeshire

Prif Weinidog Cymru ac Arweinydd Plaid Cymru yn ymweld â Sir Benfro

Education and housing in Pembrokeshire came under the political spotlight last week as Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford and Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price visited the county to see how the Co-operation Agreement is supporting thriving communities.

Among the places they visited were Ysgol Caer Elen, County Hall, and the Cashfields Estate in Haverfordwest, where Pembrokeshire County Council bought 46 properties last year with Welsh Government funding to use as affordable homes for local people.

The Leader of Pembrokeshire County Council, Cllr David Simpson, said: “It is always a pleasure to welcome the First Minister to Pembrokeshire and on this occasion Adam Price as well. Their support to the Administration and people of Pembrokeshire is appreciated.”

Mr Drakeford and Mr Price’s tour of Ysgol Caer Elen in Haverfordwest, led by headteacher Dafydd Hughes, including a question and answer session with members of the school’s own Senedd and visits to various classes. The pupils at the school, which recently received an outstanding report from Estyn, are taught in the Welsh language.  

Mr Hughes said it was a pleasure to welcome the First Minister Mark Drakeford and Adam Price to the school.

“The visit enabled us to share how Ysgol Caer Elen has developed into a thriving 3-16 Welsh Medium school,” he said.

“Our pupils certainly valued the opportunity to express their views regarding future career prospects in Pembrokeshire and what needs to be done to provide attractive employment and training opportunities for young people in the county.

“It is important that our politicians regularly visit our schools to ensure that pupils feel that their voices are being heard.”   

The political leaders then visited the former MOD housing at the Cashfields Estate to view the first significant acquisition of Council housing for more than a generation.

As well as viewing two properties, Mr Drakeford and Mr Price met with two tenants, the local Member, Cllr Anji Tinley, and various staff from the housing team who have overseen improvements and allocations to the properties.

Their next stop was County Hall in Haverfordwest, where they discussed housing and related priorities with Cllr Simpson, Chief Executive Will Bramble, and heads of service.

Before leaving the County, they also visited the Bro Preseli Extra Care Housing Scheme.

Caption: Pictured outside County Hall are Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price, Cllr David Simpson, First Minister Mark Drakeford and Chief Executive of Pembrokeshire County Council Will Bramble.