Wonderful Cardiff trip for Pembrokeshire young musicians
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Over 40 young musicians from across Pembrokeshire recently enjoyed a weekend residential trip to Cardiff as part of the Pembrokeshire Music Service String Orchestra and Symphonic Wind Band. The purpose of the weekend was to enjoy music making and, most importantly, to have fun!
Saturday started with sessions with guest conductors, Christopher Vale (Wind Band) and Roger Clarkson (String Orchestra). Christopher is a professional bassoonist who performed with the Welsh National Opera for over 30 years while Roger is a former Director of Music with the National Children’s Orchestra of Great Britain.
The pupils worked extremely hard throughout the day, improving the pieces they are preparing for the Music for Youth Regional auditions in March.
A final rehearsal session on Sunday morning culminated in the groups performing to one another, and it was fantastic to see the improvement in pieces in only a day of rehearsing. Later, pupils watched the BBC NOW perform Faure, Messiaen and Brahms at St. David’s Hall. For many, this was their first professional concert experience.
“We are immensely grateful to the conductors for sharing their time and expertise with us this weekend” said Miranda Morgan, music coordinator for PMS who organised the trip. “This weekend has undoubtedly been a really valuable experience for our pupils in so many ways and they have been a credit to themselves and their families.”
Philippa Roberts, head of Pembrokeshire Music Service, added: “Learning an instrument and playing together in an ensemble allows each and every pupil to share and communicate a wide range of emotions, provides a strong sense of achievement and also makes lifelong friends and memories.
“I am proud that Pembrokeshire Music Service is able to continue to provide these valuable experiences for our young musicians. Many thanks to the dedicated tutors who go above and beyond to encourage and nurture the next generation of ambitious, capable and confident learners.”
The conductors were full of praise for the pupils, with Christopher Vale saying it was ‘a great pleasure to conduct the pupils of the Pembrokeshire Music Service over the weekend’.
“They worked so hard and the results were stunning! Please pass on my best wishes to all involved. What a great opportunity for the pupils to learn and develop their musical skills.”
Pupils now look forward to preparing for their Music for Youth regional festival auditions in Porthcawl at the end of March.
Pictured are pupils rehearsing with the guest conductors and spending time in Cardiff.