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Ysgol Bro Gwaun pupils with headteacher Paul Edwards and Director of Education Steven Richard-Downs

Ysgol Bro Gwaun’s Online Safety Mark success unique in Wales

Llwyddiant Ysgol Bro Gwaun yn y Marc Diogelwch Ar-lein yn unigryw yng Nghymru

Ysgol Bro Gwaun has “a clear and consistent approach and online safety is everyone’s business” resulting in the awarding of a prestigious Online Safety Mark award.

A SWGfL (South West Grid for Learning) assessor visited Ysgol Bro Gwaun earlier this year to review the school’s online safety provision and highlighted the school’s clear and consistent approach.

During the visit they met with school staff, parents and carers, governors and pupils and were pleased to find that the school provides a high level of protection for users of digital technologies.

“Learners trust the staff to have their best interests and believe staff know and understand how best to support them no matter the circumstance” commented the assessor, adding: “learners were very clear in their view that the school provides them with excellent online safety provision, to ensure that they can be safe, responsible, and discerning users of digital technologies.”

SWGFL is a not for profit charity ensuring everyone can benefit from technology free from harm and make up a third of the UK Safer Internet Centre.

Following this visit Ysgol Bro Gwaun were awarded the Online Safety Mark and are currently the only secondary school in Wales to actively hold this prestigious award.

Headteacher Paul Edwards, said: “To achieve the 360-degree online safety mark is a fantastic achievement and signifies the importance the school places on protecting our young people as they navigate the digital world.

“We are very excited to announce that we achieved this safety mark and congratulations to the team who worked so hard to ensure that YBG is the only active secondary school in Wales to hold this award.”

Ron Richards, Lead Assessor congratulated the school on its success. He added that it was re-assuring to know that the school had put a lot of thought and effort into improving the online safety of the staff and young people, by addressing important safeguarding issues.

Cabinet Member for Education and the Welsh Language, Cllr Guy Woodham, said: “This is a fantastic achievement for the school and an important factor in ensuring the online safety of all those at Ysgol Bro Gwaun.”