Budget consultation continues, make sure to have your say!
Mae’r ymgynghoriad ar y gyllideb yn parhau, gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn dweud eich dweud!
The public consultation on Pembrokeshire County Council’s upcoming budget setting runs until January 5th.
The budget consultation will help the Council understand what services are important to the public as the Local Authority faces difficult choices for 2025-26 and beyond.
Like other Councils in Wales, PCC faces continued budget pressures and will need to make savings.
There are a number of proposals that will potentially impact on the way that services are received by the public.
Last week an update was given to Full Council regarding the funding provisional settlements for Local Authorities from Welsh Government.
Cabinet Member for Finance and Efficiencies Cllr Joshua Beynon told the meeting that the settlement for Pembrokeshire was more positive than anticipated but there are still difficult choices to be made. The increase is 3.6 per cent, an additional £8.1million. This leaves a funding gap of around £28.1million.
Full reports on the impact of the settlement on the budget and projected funding gap will be presented to Cabinet and Scrutiny Committees in the New Year, before returning to Full Council in February.
You can give your views on the Council’s budget saving options by completing the online response form here: https://www.pembrokeshire.gov.uk/have-your-say/budget-consultation-2025-26
The online consultation also includes a budget modelling tool which can be accessed here:
If you would like a paper copy of the response form please call 01437 764551 or email enquiries@pembrokeshire.gov.uk
The closing date for completed responses is January 5th 2025.