Council budget consultation goes live – public urged to take part as savings needed
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Pembrokeshire County Council is entering a crucial phase in its budget setting process and members of the public are urged to get involved.
A budget consultation has been launched to help the Council understand what services are important to the public as the Local Authority faces difficult choices for 2025-26 and beyond.
Like other Councils in Wales, PCC faces continued budget pressures and will need to make savings.
Budget pressures are caused by many factors including an increase in the number of people needing the Council’s help, particularly within schools, children and adult social care and homelessness.
The funding gap for 2025-26 is estimated to be £34.1million, with potential for it to increase further.
There are limited ways that the funding gap can be met:
- Increase the rate of Council Tax charged (each 1% increase generates approximately £820,000 of additional income).
- Change the way services are provided - (efficiency gains, reduce what Council does etc).
- Increase the amount charged for some services
There are a number of proposals that will potentially impact on the way that services are received by the public.
You can give your views on the Council’s budget saving options by completing the online response form here: https://www.pembrokeshire.gov.uk/have-your-say/budget-consultation-2025-26
The online consultation also includes a budget modelling tool which can be accessed here:
Cllr Josh Beynon, Cabinet Member for Corporate Finance and Efficiencies, said: “Setting the budget is one of the Council’s most important roles and like all Local Authorities it is becoming more and more difficult to make ends meet.
“The public’s input into the budget consultation is very important and I want to reassure residents that we are approaching this budget process with your needs and priorities at the forefront.
“The challenges we face are significant, but we are determined to navigate them in a way that safeguards our communities and ensures we continue to deliver for Pembrokeshire.”
If you would like a paper copy of the response form please call 01437 764551 or email enquiries@pembrokeshire.gov.uk
The closing date for completed responses is January 5th 2025.
Further budget information will be presented at the December 2nd Cabinet meeting and can be viewed at https://www.pembrokeshire.gov.uk/the-council-and-democracy
The Budget will be set by Council at its meeting on February 20th 2025.