Giving families in Pembrokeshire the right support at the right time
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Family life is full of rewards but can also be a real balancing act.
To make it easier for families to get the help they need there is now one single point of contact in Pembrokeshire: the Pembrokeshire Families’ Support Network.
The contact number is 01437 770023 (Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm).
The Pembrokeshire Families' Support Network launched in the spring this year. It includes services from:
- Family Support Team (Team Around the Family and Flying Start)
- Action for Children
- Springboard
- NHS Health Visitors
- Inclusion Support
- PAVS (Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services) Community Connector
- Youth Services
“Many parents and carers have lots of plates that they need to keep spinning, and the reality is that we can all do with a helping hand from time to time,” said Leonie Rayner from the support network.
“By having a single point of access we hope to make it easier and quicker than ever for local families to connect with our parenting support services whenever help is needed.”
Cllr Guy Woodham, Cabinet Member for Education and Welsh Language, said the provision of a single point of contact would make the parenting support service more streamlined, and provide clarity for both families and professionals.
“The single point of contact will ensure parents and carers are referred quickly to the most appropriate service to support their needs,” he said.
“Sometimes family life can change quickly and unexpectedly, and so by now having one point of access for our collective parenting support teams, families are able to simply pick up the phone to hopefully be connected to the right help for them in any time of need.”
- For more info on the Pembrokeshire Families Support Network, please view: