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Ysgol Greenhill

Runs and wickets galore at girls cricket tournaments

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More than 150 girls from eight local schools have taken part in the ECB National Indoor Cricket Championship over the past month.

The festival of cricket was held at the Meads Leisure Centre in Milford Haven and staff are thanked for hosting the event.

The schools involved were Ysgol Bro Gwaun, Ysgol Caer Elen; Ysgol Greenhill, Ysgol Harri Tudur, Haverfordwest High VC, Milford Haven and Redhill High.

At Under 13s age group Milford Haven overcame a spirted Ysgol Harri Tudur to win while Ysgol Greenhill triumphed against Ysgol Harri Tudur to claim the victory at Under 15s level.

Milford Haven School - Ysgol Aberdaugleddau

Both schools went on to represent Pembrokeshire in the South Wales Finals at Swansea University.

Martin Jones Cricket Development Officer at Sports Pembrokeshire, said: “There was some excellent cricket played in a competitive but sporting manner by all concerned. The girls were a credit to themselves and their schools. Thanks also go to Stephen Thornton of Valero Energy who sponsor the Competition.”

In the finals at Swansea the standard was very high with both schools enjoying themselves competing at a higher level. Both sides gave 100% days but just missed out on the semi-final places.